#back to ./webalizer.html # # Sample Webalizer configuration file # Copyright 1997-2000 by Bradford L. Barrett (brad@mrunix.net) # # Distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the # files "Copyright" and "COPYING" provided with the webalizer # distribution for additional information. # # This is a sample configuration file for the Webalizer (ver 2.01) # Lines starting with pound signs '#' are comment lines and are # ignored. Blank lines are skipped as well. Other lines are considered # as configuration lines, and have the form "ConfigOption Value" where # ConfigOption is a valid configuration keyword, and Value is the value # to assign that configuration option. Invalid keyword/values are # ignored, with appropriate warnings being displayed. There must be # at least one space or tab between the keyword and its value. # # As of version 0.98, The Webalizer will look for a 'default' configuration # file named "webalizer.conf" in the current directory, and if not found # there, will look for "/etc/webalizer.conf". # LogFile defines the web server log file to use. If not specified # here or on on the command line, input will default to STDIN. If # the log filename ends in '.gz' (ie: a gzip compressed file), it will # be decompressed on the fly as it is being read. #LogFileの絶対パスを記述します。 #ここには http-access.log.0.gz のような形式であってもかまわない #コマンドでログファイル名を指定する分にはここに記述されないでも良い #ただし、ここには複数行の指定はできないので、過去のものがあれば #古い順に処理を完了させておく必要性がある #LogFile /var/lib/httpd/logs/access_log # LogType defines the log type being processed. Normally, the Webalizer # expects a CLF or Combined web server log as input. Using this option, # you can process ftp logs as well (xferlog as produced by wu-ftp and # others), or Squid native logs. Values can be 'clf', 'ftp' or 'squid', # with 'clf' the default. #ログ形式を指定します。apacheなのでCLFで良い。 #デフォルトなのであえて記述しないでも良い #-Fで指定可能 #LogType clf # OutputDir is where you want to put the output files. This should # should be a full path name, however relative ones might work as well. # If no output directory is specified, the current directory will be used. #出力されるディレクトリを指定。 #指定しなければ実行したディレクトリにファイルは作成される #-oと指定可能 OutputDir /home/localhost/webalizer # HistoryName allows you to specify the name of the history file produced # by the Webalizer. The history file keeps the data for up to 12 months # worth of logs, used for generating the main HTML page (index.html). # The default is a file named "webalizer.hist", stored in the specified # output directory. If you specify just the filename (without a path), # it will be kept in the specified output directory. Otherwise, the path # is relative to the output directory, unless absolute (leading /). #12ヶ月分の集計データが書かれるファイル。OutputDirにできる #デフォルトは下記のファイル名になるので指定しないでも良い #HistoryName webalizer.hist # Incremental processing allows multiple partial log files to be used # instead of one huge one. Useful for large sites that have to rotate # their log files more than once a month. The Webalizer will save its # internal state before exiting, and restore it the next time run, in # order to continue processing where it left off. This mode also causes # The Webalizer to scan for and ignore duplicate records (records already # processed by a previous run). See the README file for additional # information. The value may be 'yes' or 'no', with a default of 'no'. # The file 'webalizer.current' is used to store the current state data, # and is located in the output directory of the program (unless changed # with the IncrementalName option below). Please read at least the section # on Incremental processing in the README file before you enable this option. #ログが何かのきっかけで分割するようなケースを扱う場合には yes を指定 #-p指定でも可能 #Incremental no # IncrementalName allows you to specify the filename for saving the # incremental data in. It is similar to the HistoryName option where the # name is relative to the specified output directory, unless an absolute # filename is specified. The default is a file named "webalizer.current" # kept in the normal output directory. If you don't specify "Incremental" # as 'yes' then this option has no meaning. #IncrementalName webalizer.current # ReportTitle is the text to display as the title. The hostname # (unless blank) is appended to the end of this string (seperated with # a space) to generate the final full title string. # Default is (for english) "Usage Statistics for". #「利用統計」となっている部分を他の言葉に置き換えたいときには指定 #コメント(#)をはずすと日本語の利用統計という文字は出なくなる #ReportTitle Usage Statistics for # HostName defines the hostname for the report. This is used in # the title, and is prepended to the URL table items. This allows # clicking on URL's in the report to go to the proper location in # the event you are running the report on a 'virtual' web server, # or for a server different than the one the report resides on. # If not specified here, or on the command line, webalizer will # try to get the hostname via a uname system call. If that fails, # it will default to "localhost". #タイトルで使用される #ホスト名を記述 www.example.co.jp のように記述すれば良い #-n で直接指定も可能 HostName miya0.dyndns.org # HTMLExtension allows you to specify the filename extension to use # for generated HTML pages. Normally, this defaults to "html", but # can be changed for sites who need it (like for PHP embeded pages). #出力させるHTMLの拡張子を決めます #-x 〜で指定可能 #php指定をしてPHP形式になるのだろうか? #HTMLExtension html # PageType lets you tell the Webalizer what types of URL's you # consider a 'page'. Most people consider html and cgi documents # as pages, while not images and audio files. If no types are # specified, defaults will be used ('htm*', 'cgi' and HTMLExtension # if different for web logs, 'txt' for ftp logs). #-Pで指定できます PageType htm* PageType cgi #shtmlやphpやrbなどを設定すればそれも対象となる #PageType phtml #PageType php3 #PageType pl # UseHTTPS should be used if the analysis is being run on a # secure server, and links to urls should use 'https://' instead # of the default 'http://'. If you need this, set it to 'yes'. # Default is 'no'. This only changes the behaviour of the 'Top # URL's' table. #webalizerの表示をhttps://として解釈する場合にはyesにする #UseHTTPS no # DNSCache specifies the DNS cache filename to use for reverse DNS lookups. # This file must be specified if you wish to perform name lookups on any IP # addresses found in the log file. If an absolute path is not given as # part of the filename (ie: starts with a leading '/'), then the name is # relative to the default output directory. See the DNS.README file for # additional information. # -D で直接指定も可能 #DNSCache dns_cache.db # DNSChildren allows you to specify how many "children" processes are # run to perform DNS lookups to create or update the DNS cache file. # If a number is specified, the DNS cache file will be created/updated # each time the Webalizer is run, immediately prior to normal processing, # by running the specified number of "children" processes to perform # DNS lookups. If used, the DNS cache filename MUST be specified as # well. The default value is zero (0), which disables DNS cache file # creation/updates at run time. The number of children processes to # run may be anywhere from 1 to 100, however a large number may effect # normal system operations. Reasonable values should be between 5 and # 20. See the DNS.README file for additional information. # -N で直接指定も可能 #DNSChildren 0 # HTMLPre defines HTML code to insert at the very beginning of the # file. Default is the DOCTYPE line shown below. Max line length # is 80 characters, so use multiple HTMLPre lines if you need more. #HTMLPre # HTMLHead defines HTML code to insert within the # block, immediately after the line. Maximum line length # is 80 characters, so use multiple lines if needed. #<HEAD>〜</HEAD>に記述したいものを記載 1行は80バイトまでだけど #複数行の指定は可能 #HTMLHead <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/css; charset=shift_jis"> #と記載しても70バイト程度 #robotsな記述もここにすれば良さそう #スタイルシートな記載も同様 #HTMLHead <META NAME="author" CONTENT="The Webalizer"> HTMLHead <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=shift_jis"> # HTMLBody defined the HTML code to be inserted, starting with the # <BODY> tag. If not specified, the default is shown below. If # used, you MUST include your own <BODY> tag as the first line. # Maximum line length is 80 char, use multiple lines if needed. #<BODY>の記述を書くことが可能。続きを書けば</BODY>に書くようなHTMLも記述可能 #これを書くともっとも最初の行から書ける #HTMLBody <BODY BGCOLOR="#E8E8E8" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF0000"> # HTMLPost defines the HTML code to insert immediately before the # first <HR> on the document, which is just after the title and # "summary period"-"Generated on:" lines. If anything, this should # be used to clean up in case an image was inserted with HTMLBody. # As with HTMLHead, you can define as many of these as you want and # they will be inserted in the output stream in order of apperance. # Max string size is 80 characters. Use multiple lines if you need to. #上記HTMLBodyが使われて何かが挿入されることを想定し、統計期間や作成日時など #を書いた後に横線を挿入します(作成日時と線の間に記述) #HTMLPost <BR CLEAR="all"> # HTMLTail defines the HTML code to insert at the bottom of each # HTML document, usually to include a link back to your home # page or insert a small graphic. It is inserted as a table # data element (ie: <TD> your code here </TD>) and is right # alligned with the page. Max string size is 80 characters. #上記の逆に最後に記載される部分の記載 #HTMLTail <IMG SRC="msfree.png" ALT="100% Micro$oft free!"> # HTMLEnd defines the HTML code to add at the very end of the # generated files. It defaults to what is shown below. If # used, you MUST specify the </BODY> and </HTML> closing tags # as the last lines. Max string length is 80 characters. #HTMLEnd </BODY></HTML> # The Quiet option suppresses output messages... Useful when run # as a cron job to prevent bogus e-mails. Values can be either # "yes" or "no". Default is "no". Note: this does not suppress # warnings and errors (which are printed to stderr). #Webalizerの出力時メッセージ。デフォルトはno #-qで指定も可能 #Quiet no # ReallyQuiet will supress all messages including errors and # warnings. Values can be 'yes' or 'no' with 'no' being the # default. If 'yes' is used here, it cannot be overriden from # the command line, so use with caution. A value of 'no' has # no effect. #エラーや警告を含めたエラーメッセージの出力。デフォルトはno #-Qで指定も可能 #ReallyQuiet no # TimeMe allows you to force the display of timing information # at the end of processing. A value of 'yes' will force the # timing information to be displayed. A value of 'no' has no # effect. #処理終了後にタイミング情報を表示することができます。 #デフォルトはno #-Tで指定可能 TimeMe no # GMTTime allows reports to show GMT (UTC) time instead of local # time. Default is to display the time the report was generated # in the timezone of the local machine, such as EDT or PST. This # keyword allows you to have times displayed in UTC instead. Use # only if you really have a good reason, since it will probably # screw up the reporting periods by however many hours your local # time zone is off of GMT. #グリニッジ標準時間で出力する場合にはyesに。 #ローカル時間のままならnoのまま(デフォルト) #GMTTime no # Debug prints additional information for error messages. This # will cause webalizer to dump bad records/fields instead of just # telling you it found a bad one. As usual, the value can be # either "yes" or "no". The default is "no". It shouldn't be # needed unless you start getting a lot of Warning or Error # messages and want to see why. (Note: warning and error messages # are printed to stderr, not stdout like normal messages). #デバックメッセージを付加したい場合にはyesにする #Debug no # FoldSeqErr forces the Webalizer to ignore sequence errors. # This is useful for Netscape and other web servers that cache # the writing of log records and do not guarentee that they # will be in chronological order. The use of the FoldSeqErr # option will cause out of sequence log records to be treated # as if they had the same time stamp as the last valid record. # Default is to ignore out of sequence log records. #シーケンスエラーを無視する場合にはnoにする #-fで指定可能 #FoldSeqErr no # VisitTimeout allows you to set the default timeout for a visit # (sometimes called a 'session'). The default is 30 minutes, # which should be fine for most sites. # Visits are determined by looking at the time of the current # request, and the time of the last request from the site. If # the time difference is greater than the VisitTimeout value, it # is considered a new visit, and visit totals are incremented. # Value is the number of seconds to timeout (default=1800=30min) #30分(1800秒)の間にアクセスがあった場合には継続した訪問として #扱うというような設定。これ以上の間隔で訪問した場合には新規訪問 #として扱われる #-mで指定可能 #VisitTimeout 1800 # IgnoreHist shouldn't be used in a config file, but it is here # just because it might be usefull in certain situations. If the # history file is ignored, the main "index.html" file will only # report on the current log files contents. Usefull only when you # want to reproduce the reports from scratch. USE WITH CAUTION! # Valid values are "yes" or "no". Default is "no". #hintファイルを使わないで新規で作成するような場合にはyesを指定。 #使い方には要注意 #-i で指定可能 #IgnoreHist no # Country Graph allows the usage by country graph to be disabled. # Values can be 'yes' or 'no', default is 'yes'. #国別表示を行う #-Yで指定可能 #CountryGraph yes # DailyGraph and DailyStats allows the daily statistics graph # and statistics table to be disabled (not displayed). Values # may be "yes" or "no". Default is "yes". #日別グラフを行う #DailyGraph yes #日別状態表示を行う #DailyStats yes # HourlyGraph and HourlyStats allows the hourly statistics graph # and statistics table to be disabled (not displayed). Values # may be "yes" or "no". Default is "yes". #時間別 #-Gで指定可能 #HourlyGraph yes #-Hで指定可能 #HourlyStats yes # GraphLegend allows the color coded legends to be turned on or off # in the graphs. The default is for them to be displayed. This only # toggles the color coded legends, the other legends are not changed. # If you think they are hideous and ugly, say 'no' here :) #-Lで指定可能 #GraphLegend yes # GraphLines allows you to have index lines drawn behind the graphs. # I personally am not crazy about them, but a lot of people requested # them and they weren't a big deal to add. The number represents the # number of lines you want displayed. Default is 2, you can disable # the lines by using a value of zero ('0'). [max is 20] # Note, due to rounding errors, some values don't work quite right. # The lower the better, with 1,2,3,4,6 and 10 producing nice results. #各グラフの中にガイドとして入れられている横線を何本入れるか。 #あんまり入れても意味はないけど2-6本はありかも? #GraphLines 2 # The "Top" options below define the number of entries for each table. # Defaults are Sites=30, URL's=30, Referrers=30 and Agents=15, and # Countries=30. TopKSites and TopKURLs (by KByte tables) both default # to 10, as do the top entry/exit tables (TopEntry/TopExit). The top # search strings and usernames default to 20. Tables may be disabled # by using zero (0) for the value. #-Sで指定可能 #TopSites 30 #TopKSites 10 #-Uで指定可能 #TopURLs 30 #TopKURLs 10 #-Rで指定可能 TopReferrers 500 #-Aで指定可能 #TopAgents 15 #-Cで指定可能 #TopCountries 30 #-eで指定可能 #TopEntry 10 #-Eで指定可能 #TopExit 10 TopSearch 1500 #TopUsers 20 # The All* keywords allow the display of all URL's, Sites, Referrers # User Agents, Search Strings and Usernames. If enabled, a seperate # HTML page will be created, and a link will be added to the bottom # of the appropriate "Top" table. There are a couple of conditions # for this to occur.. First, there must be more items than will fit # in the "Top" table (otherwise it would just be duplicating what is # already displayed). Second, the listing will only show those items # that are normally visable, which means it will not show any hidden # items. Grouped entries will be listed first, followed by individual # items. The value for these keywords can be either 'yes' or 'no', # with the default being 'no'. Please be aware that these pages can # be quite large in size, particularly the sites page, and seperate # pages are generated for each month, which can consume quite a lot # of disk space depending on the traffic to your site. #View All Search Stringsというリンクを各グラフの直後にリンクとして #作成し、別ページで詳細を眺めることができるようにできる #デフォルトは作成しない。yesにすればつく #AllSites yes #AllURLs yes #AllReferrers yes #AllAgents yes #AllSearchStr yes #AllUsers yes # The Webalizer normally strips the string 'index.' off the end of # URL's in order to consolidate URL totals. For example, the URL # /somedir/index.html is turned into /somedir/ which is really the # same URL. This option allows you to specify additional strings # to treat in the same way. You don't need to specify 'index.' as # it is always scanned for by The Webalizer, this option is just to # specify _additional_ strings if needed. If you don't need any, # don't specify any as each string will be scanned for in EVERY # log record... A bunch of them will degrade performance. Also, # the string is scanned for anywhere in the URL, so a string of # 'home' would turn the URL /somedir/homepages/brad/home.html into # just /somedir/ which is probably not what was intended. #-Iで指定可能 #IndexAlias home.htm #IndexAlias homepage.htm # The Hide*, Group* and Ignore* and Include* keywords allow you to # change the way Sites, URL's, Referrers, User Agents and Usernames # are manipulated. The Ignore* keywords will cause The Webalizer to # completely ignore records as if they didn't exist (and thus not # counted in the main site totals). The Hide* keywords will prevent # things from being displayed in the 'Top' tables, but will still be # counted in the main totals. The Group* keywords allow grouping # similar objects as if they were one. Grouped records are displayed # in the 'Top' tables and can optionally be displayed in BOLD and/or # shaded. Groups cannot be hidden, and are not counted in the main # totals. The Group* options do not, by default, hide all the items # that it matches. If you want to hide the records that match (so just # the grouping record is displayed), follow with an identical Hide* # keyword with the same value. (see example below) In addition, # Group* keywords may have an optional label which will be displayed # instead of the keywords value. The label should be seperated from # the value by at least one 'white-space' character, such as a space # or tab. # # The value can have either a leading or trailing '*' wildcard # character. If no wildcard is found, a match can occur anywhere # in the string. Given a string "www.yourmama.com", the values "your", # "*mama.com" and "www.your*" will all match. # Your own site should be hidden #-sを指定可能 #HideSite *mrunix.net #HideSite localhost # Your own site gives most referrals #-rを指定可能 HideReferrer miya0.dyndns.org/ HideReferrer miya0.dyndns.org:8080/ # This one hides non-referrers ("-" Direct requests) #HideReferrer Direct Request # Usually you want to hide these #-uで指定可能 HideURL *.gif HideURL *.GIF HideURL *.jpg HideURL *.JPG HideURL *.png HideURL *.PNG HideURL *.ra # Hiding agents is kind of futile #-aを指定可能 #HideAgent RealPlayer # You can also hide based on authenticated username #HideUser root #HideUser admin # Grouping options #GroupURL /cgi-bin/* CGI Scripts #GroupURL /images/* Images #GroupSite *.aol.com #GroupSite *.compuserve.com #GroupReferrer yahoo.com/ Yahoo! #GroupReferrer excite.com/ Excite #GroupReferrer infoseek.com/ InfoSeek #GroupReferrer webcrawler.com/ WebCrawler #GroupUser root Admin users #GroupUser admin Admin users #GroupUser wheel Admin users # The following is a great way to get an overall total # for browsers, and not display all the detail records. # (You should use MangleAgent to refine further...) #GroupAgent MSIE Micro$oft Internet Exploder #HideAgent MSIE #GroupAgent Mozilla Netscape #HideAgent Mozilla #GroupAgent Lynx* Lynx #HideAgent Lynx* # HideAllSites allows forcing individual sites to be hidden in the # report. This is particularly useful when used in conjunction # with the "GroupDomain" feature, but could be useful in other # situations as well, such as when you only want to display grouped # sites (with the GroupSite keywords...). The value for this # keyword can be either 'yes' or 'no', with 'no' the default, # allowing individual sites to be displayed. #-Xで指定可能 #HideAllSites no # The GroupDomains keyword allows you to group individual hostnames # into their respective domains. The value specifies the level of # grouping to perform, and can be thought of as 'the number of dots' # that will be displayed. For example, if a visiting host is named # cust1.tnt.mia.uu.net, a domain grouping of 1 will result in just # "uu.net" being displayed, while a 2 will result in "mia.uu.net". # The default value of zero disable this feature. Domains will only # be grouped if they do not match any existing "GroupSite" records, # which allows overriding this feature with your own if desired. #-gで指定可能 #ピリオドの数でドメインを切り分けするexample.co.jpは2つ #GroupDomains 0 # The GroupShading allows grouped rows to be shaded in the report. # Useful if you have lots of groups and individual records that # intermingle in the report, and you want to diferentiate the group # records a little more. Value can be 'yes' or 'no', with 'yes' # being the default. #GroupShading yes # GroupHighlight allows the group record to be displayed in BOLD. # Can be either 'yes' or 'no' with the default 'yes'. #GroupHighlight yes # The Ignore* keywords allow you to completely ignore log records based # on hostname, URL, user agent, referrer or username. I hessitated in # adding these, since the Webalizer was designed to generate _accurate_ # statistics about a web servers performance. By choosing to ignore # records, the accuracy of reports become skewed, negating why I wrote # this program in the first place. However, due to popular demand, here # they are. Use the same as the Hide* keywords, where the value can have # a leading or trailing wildcard '*'. Use at your own risk ;) #IgnoreSite bad.site.net #IgnoreURL /test* #IgnoreReferrer file:/* #IgnoreAgent RealPlayer #IgnoreUser root # The Include* keywords allow you to force the inclusion of log records # based on hostname, URL, user agent, referrer or username. They take # precidence over the Ignore* keywords. Note: Using Ignore/Include # combinations to selectivly process parts of a web site is _extremely # inefficent_!!! Avoid doing so if possible (ie: grep the records to a # seperate file if you really want that kind of report). # Example: Only show stats on Joe User's pages... #IgnoreURL * #IncludeURL ~joeuser* # Or based on an authenticated username #IgnoreUser * #IncludeUser someuser # The MangleAgents allows you to specify how much, if any, The Webalizer # should mangle user agent names. This allows several levels of detail # to be produced when reporting user agent statistics. There are six # levels that can be specified, which define different levels of detail # supression. Level 5 shows only the browser name (MSIE or Mozilla) # and the major version number. Level 4 adds the minor version number # (single decimal place). Level 3 displays the minor version to two # decimal places. Level 2 will add any sub-level designation (such # as Mozilla/3.01Gold or MSIE 3.0b). Level 1 will attempt to also add # the system type if it is specified. The default Level 0 displays the # full user agent field without modification and produces the greatest # amount of detail. User agent names that can't be mangled will be # left unmodified. #ユーザエージェントの名称で6つのレベルを設定することができます #0(デフォルト:そのままを表示) 1 レベル2にシステムタイプを加えたもの #2 ブラウザ名と(X.xx) a/b/c 3 ブラウザ名とメジャー.マイナー(X.xx) #4 ブラウザ名とメジャー.マイナー(X.x) 5 ブラウザ名とメジャーバージョン(X) #-Mで指定可能 #MangleAgents 0 # The SearchEngine keywords allow specification of search engines and # their query strings on the URL. These are used to locate and report # what search strings are used to find your site. The first word is # a substring to match in the referrer field that identifies the search # engine, and the second is the URL variable used by that search engine # to define it's search terms. SearchEngine yahoo.com p= SearchEngine altavista.com q= SearchEngine www.google q= SearchEngine eureka.com q= SearchEngine lycos.com query= SearchEngine hotbot.com MT= SearchEngine msn.com MT= SearchEngine infoseek.com qt= SearchEngine webcrawler searchText= SearchEngine excite search= SearchEngine netscape.com search= SearchEngine mamma.com query= SearchEngine alltheweb.com q= SearchEngine northernlight.com qr= SearchEngine search.yahoo.co.jp p= SearchEngine search.nifty.com Text= SearchEngine so-net.excite.co.jp search= SearchEngine cgi.search.biglobe.ne.jp q= SearchEngine ocnsearch.goo.ne.jp MT= SearchEngine search.goo.ne.jp MT= SearchEngine www3.seeder.net key= SearchEngine excite.co.jp search= SearchEngine www.ceek.jp q= SearchEngine websearch.yahoo.co.jp p= SearchEngine websearch.naver.co.jp query= SearchEngine search.msn.com q= SearchEngine search.msn.com ps= SearchEngine search.msn.com MT= SearchEngine search.jword.jp name= SearchEngine jp.aol.com query= SearchEngine search.fresheye.com kw= SearchEngine cache.yahoofs.jp w= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine q= SearchEngine results.searchscout.com k= SearchEngine search.cometsystems.com qry= SearchEngine search11.vivisimo.com query= SearchEngine search.cometsystems.com qry= SearchEngine apple.excite.co.jp search= SearchEngine results.searchscout.com k= SearchEngine auto.search.msn.com MT= SearchEngine search.naver.co.jp query= # The Dump* keywords allow the dumping of Sites, URL's, Referrers # User Agents, Usernames and Search strings to seperate tab delimited # text files, suitable for import into most database or spreadsheet # programs. # DumpPath specifies the path to dump the files. If not specified, # it will default to the current output directory. Do not use a # trailing slash ('/'). #DumpPath /var/lib/httpd/logs # The DumpHeader keyword specifies if a header record should be # written to the file. A header record is the first record of the # file, and contains the labels for each field written. Normally, # files that are intended to be imported into a database system # will not need a header record, while spreadsheets usually do. # Value can be either 'yes' or 'no', with 'no' being the default. #DumpHeader no # DumpExtension allow you to specify the dump filename extension # to use. The default is "tab", but some programs are pickey about # the filenames they use, so you may change it here (for example, # some people may prefer to use "csv"). #DumpExtension tab # These control the dumping of each individual table. The value # can be either 'yes' or 'no'.. the default is 'no'. #DumpSites yes #DumpURLs yes #DumpReferrers yes #DumpAgents yes #DumpUsers yes #DumpSearchStr yes # End of configuration file... Have a nice day!